- 26 mars
🔰 Microsoft Teams Infographic : How to archive inactives channels without archiving the entire team ?
When working in a Team, how to archive properly a channel no longer in use to prevent people from editing the content ?
- 28 févr.
🔰 Infographie Microsoft Loop : tout savoir sur les composants Loop dans les canaux des équipes Teams
Avec les composants Loop dans un canal d'une équipe Teams, comment permettre à tous de collaborer dans une seule et même interface ?
- 19 janv.
🔰 Microsoft OneDrive Infographic : How to create a shortcut to files stored in other people's OneDrive and document libraries so that I can easily find them in my OneDrive ?
How can I create a shortcut to a file that someone has shared with me so that I can store it anywhere on my Onedrive?
- 13 nov. 2023
🔰 Microsoft Viva Pulse Infographic : How managers can get feedbacks and understand team's needs
How to help managers pinpoint what’s working well and where to focus with real-time feedbacks on Microsoft Viva Pulse
- 16 oct. 2023
🔰 Microsoft Teams education infographic : How to create and organize class resources with Classwork
How to help teachers organize class resources, including Assignments, OneNote Class Notebook pages, web links, files, and Teams channels
- 27 sept. 2023
🔰 Infographie Microsoft Teams : tout savoir sur les notes collaboratives de réunion
Dans une réunion Teams, Comment collaborer ensemble pour l'ordre du jour, le compte-rendu et le suivi des tâches ?