🔰 Microsoft Teams education infographic : Add a video for student feedback in assignment
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In Microsoft Teams education assignment, how to add a video of you talking through your feedback to the student ?

There are different ways for teachers to give feedback on assignments. Previously, in Microsoft Teams assignments, the teacher only had the choice of text block to give feedback before returning the assignment to the student.
Now, many know that video feedback is beneficial in learning because students pay more attention to a video that is personally addressed to them than to a written comment that they are unlikely to read.
So how do you get a video recorder to appear in Microsoft Teams assignments?

Since the "back to school", Microsoft teams assignments have been enriched with many features. Concerning video option, it was possible for a teacher to record his video as an assignment instruction and for the student to record himself in video to answer an assignment.
From now on, the feedback text block has 3 new options which are
1/ creating a new file (word, excel, powerpoint, whiteboard) or
2/ attaching a file from OneDrive or from your computer or
3/ recording a video or an audio.
The video is recorded via Stream and stored in the Team Sharepoint and we have options to draw, add stickers or photo or record a video without sound or without the camera with only audio. Really handy !

- The video recorder only works on the latest versions of Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome on Windows or Mac OS X, and not in firefox browser
- You must also check that you have activated in the settings of Teams that you have authorized in assignment your camera, microphone and speakers
👀 What I think about it
Let's start with the positive points
- The video recording is very easy to use and the fact that you can record only the audio is a real plus to give a different feedback to the assignments
- When a student sends a video as an assignment, it is always better for a teacher to give feedback in video
Let's move on to the negative points
- The fact that the video is recorded via Stream brings the power of Stream, especially in terms of transcription or why not in terms of chaptering the video. However, to do these last 2 things, you have to go through the new stream and make changes to the video feedback via this space.
- The video recorder in Microsoft Teams does not offer screen capture. This is very useful and yet this feature is present when you start a video recording in the new stream.
- The video recorder also does not offer a background blur or the text to insert on the video. However, these two options are present in Microsoft Flip, which can be added as an application in the homework. Some teachers will probably stay with Microsoft Flip.
